Standards and Learning Points

AERO is a project supported by the U.S. State Department’s Office of Overseas Schools and the Overseas Schools Advisory Council to assist schools in developing and implementing standards-based curricula. AERO provides a framework for curriculum consistency across grades K-12 and for stability of curriculum in overseas schools. This effort is in alignment with research-based trends in the development of curriculum worldwide, and particularly with the Common Core initiative in the U.S.

New York Academy has strategically chosen to adopt the AERO Standards because they provide a standards-based framework with the flexibility that allows us to innovate and create solutions tailor-made for our school community here in Hyderabad. The AERO Standards are a robust set of learning outcomes for all subjects with high expectations for academic achievement.

The New York Academy curriculum, across all subjects, makes learning outcomes for each lesson explicit and intentional with Learning Points. These are statements of what a student is to know (knowledge), understand (concepts), and able to do (skills). If you walk into any classroom at NYA, you will see the LP written on the board for the current lesson. Our Learning Points are crafted from the AERO Standards, but written in student friendly terms:

EXAMPLE LP: Readers make meaning by thinking about the character’s desires and struggles across the events of the story (reading comprehension).